Involve a whole school district in an Hour of Code

The Hour of Code is a one-hour introduction to computer science, using fun tutorials to show that anybody can learn the basics. Districts who fully engage with Hour of Code can help raise awareness of the computer science movement and inspire more students to try computer science, particularly young women and students from historically marginalized racial and ethnic groups.


Recruit school participation

Recruit school participation by sharing the resources provided in our how-to guides for educators and school assemblies. With your support, teachers and school administrators can decide which type of event best meets the interest of your schools.

Before Hour of Code


Register your event

Tell everyone hosting an event to register! When you register your Hour of Code event, you'll receive helpful emails with news and tips for hosting a successful Hour of Code. It's also how you can let local volunteers know your school is participating. Volunteers are a great resource and can come speak to your class about computer science or help your students with Hour of Code activities.

Register your event

Get familiar with the activities

This year, the Hour of Code theme is Creativity with Artificial Intelligence (AI). Whether it’s coding new apps and algorithms, generating unique art, or crafting choreography to get us dancing, AI is opening up fresh opportunities for digital expression that expand our understanding of creativity. Make this year special by completing a coding activity AND learning about AI.

First, explore hundreds of coding activities and choose one based on your group's age, experience, interests and more. These select activities feature artificial intelligence as a key topic or lesson.

Then, learn all about AI. Students can watch short videos featuring experts in the field, and there are accompanying lesson plans to extend the activity and guide further discussion. Or, we offer free professional learning for educators to unlock the future of teaching with and about AI.


Promote your district's involvement in Hour of Code

Let community members and stakeholders know about your participation in Hour of Code Events! Post to Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and your district's homepage! Explore our sample emails which help you share your Hour of Code event with your community.

Oszd meg az eseményed szüleikkel

Get coding!

As students are working on their activity, take pictures to commemorate the event, and to post on your organization's social media networks. (Publicity or privacy policies may apply.)

Day of Hour of Code

Make sure the agenda is running smoothly, and that it remains on track to end on time—especially if any special guests have other scheduled commitments to attend.

Learn more about AI


Share photos and videos of your Hour of Code event and show off your students' achievements. Use #HourOfCode and @codeorg so we can see your district in action!


Beyond Hour of Code

Computer science education doesn't have to end with the Hour of Code! To help provide students in your district with skills and knowledge that will prepare them to be college and career ready, check out the diverse curriculum offerings from Hour of Code partners!

After Hour of Code

Tekints a Kódolás óráján túl

Gyakran ismételt kérdések

View more FAQs
What are the prerequisites for doing an Hour of Code?

The Hour of Code is simple to run — even for beginners. You don't need experience in computer science or teaching in order to inspire students to explore, create, and learn something new.

What devices do I need to run an Hour of Code?

Devices you can use:

  • Tablet
  • Laptop
  • Asztali számítógép
  • Mobilkészülék

If devices are limited or unavailable, try pair programming or explore our unplugged activities to learn without any devices at all!

Egyéb források a Kódolás órájához

Promotional Resources

Find all the resources you need—print and digital—to bring attention to your Hour of Code.

Hour of Code Statistics

Use sample messaging and infographics as you look for ways to promote the Hour of Code in your district communication to stakeholders. Find impactful infographics and statistics to share with your community!

Discover Activities

Explore a wide selection of one-hour tutorials designed for all ages in over 45 languages.