How your company can engage with the Hour of Code

The Hour of Code is a one-hour introduction to computer science, using fun tutorials to show that anybody can learn the basics. This year, we're taking Hour of Code to new heights by offering coding opportunities that encompass both artificial intelligence (AI) and non-AI components.

All of your efforts can make a huge impact on the way young women and students from marginalized racial and ethnic groups view computer science and their own potential.


Inspire your employees

Share this video at an All Staff meeting or in an email to all employees to show how companies like yours can make a huge impact on the global movement to bring computer science education to all students in all schools through the Hour of Code.

Before Hour of Code


Encourage employees to volunteer

One of the most fulfilling ways to participate in the Hour of Code is to volunteer with a local classroom, either in-person or virtually. Best of all, you don't have to be an engineer or someone with a technical background in order to volunteer. You can still provide a meaningful experience to students by sharing your own career experience and how computer science or technology has impacted your role. Direct your employees to the volunteer guide to learn more.

Видите водич за добровољце

Plan an internal event

The Hour of Code isn't just for K-12 students but for learners of all ages and all skill levels. Connect with your company's events team to host an Hour of Code event for all employees.

Make an early commitment and register your event in advance. When you register, you'll receive helpful emails with news and tips for hosting a successful Hour of Code. You'll also be put on the map. The visible totality of our collective efforts demonstrates the global commitment to the computer science movement, which will help us build momentum for systemic change.

Региструјте свој догађај

Изаберите своје активности

Ове године, тема Сата програмирања је креативност уз помоћ вештачке интелигенције (ВИ). Било да је у питању програмирање нових апликација и алгоритама, генерисање јединствених примера уметности или развој кореографије како бисмо заиграли, ВИ заиста отвара мноштво нових прилика за дигитално изражавање које проширује наше схватање креативности. Учините ову годину посебном тако што ћете завршити активност кодирања И научити више о ВИ.

Day of Hour of Code

Најпре, истражите стотине активности кодирања и одаберите једну од њих на основу узраста ваше групе ученика, искуства, интересовања и осталог. Ове изабране активности представљају вештачку интелигенцију као кључну тему или лекцију.

Then, learn all about AI. Employees can watch short videos featuring experts in the field.


Помозите да се о нама чује

After your event, congratulate your employees with personalized certificates of completion. Share photos and videos of your Hour of Code event and show off your commitment to supporting the computer science movement using #HourOfCode and @codeorg.

Одштампајте сертификате

Beyond Hour of Code

Computer science doesn't have to end with the Hour of Code! While 90% of parents want their child to learn computer science, most schools still don't teach it and hundreds of thousands of jobs go unfilled. Learn how to bring computer science to more schools in your area and advocate for computer science to be a graduation requirement.

After Hour of Code

Постаните организација за подршку
When can my company host an Hour of Code event?

People around the world join the Hour of Code celebration during CS Education Week (December 9-15) when the latest tutorials and activities are released. But you can do an Hour of Code any day of the year!

Other Hour of Code resources

Promotional Resources

Find all the resources you need—print and digital—to bring attention to your Hour of Code.

Discover Activities

Explore a wide selection of one-hour tutorials designed for all ages in over 45 languages.

How to Get Involved

Help spread the word about Hour of Code! Discover ways to get your community involved.