Get your community involved in the Hour of Code

1. Ширите причу

Tell your friends about the #HourOfCode!

2. Ask your whole school to offer an Hour of Code

Send this email to your principal and challenge every classroom at your school to sign up.

3. Ask your employer to get involved

Send this email to your manager or company's CEO.

4. Промовишите Hour of Code у својој заједници

Recruit a local group— boy/girl scouts club, church, university, veterans group, labor union, or even some friends. Не морате похађати школу да бисте стекли неке нове вештине. Use these posters, banners, stickers, videos and more for your own event.

5. Ask a local elected official to support the Hour of Code

Send this email to your local representatives, city council, or school board and invite them to visit your school for the Hour of Code. То може помоћи ширењу подршке за рачунарске науке у вашој околини и ван једног часа.