Čo je Hodina kódu?

The Hour of Code is a worldwide movement that aims to introduce millions of students to computer science through one-hour coding activities. Through Hour of Code, we aim to demystify coding and show that anyone can learn the basics, inspiring future interest in computer science.

Usporiadajte Hodinu kódu

Your class or school can join millions around the world doing the Hour of Code! Registration for the annual Computer Science Education Week celebration begins in September. Though, Hour of Code is available year-round. Register today!

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One Hour Can Make The Invisible Visible

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All the resources you need for your Hour of Code

Bringing Hour of Code to your classroom or school is easy! Follow our step-by-step guides for preparing for, running, and celebrating your event. Check out our resources for everything you'll need!

Hour of Code is a global movement

When you participate in the Hour of Code, you join a movement of millions across the globe.


Hours of Code served


Countries with Hour of Code


Events registered so far in 2024

Hodinu kódu organizuje Code.org.