
Helpful reading for getting started

Read and share these helpful handouts about the Hour of Code movement and hosting and participating in an Hour of Code event. These resources will guide you through the basics and help you make the most of your Hour.

Hour of Code One-Pager

Get a quick overview of the Hour of Code movement with this one-page document. It covers the basics, including the purpose, benefits, and how anyone can get involved.

Get the One-Pager

Celebrate with stickers

Get participants at your event excited with our Hour of Code stickers! Each sticker measures 1” in diameter, with 63 stickers per sheet.

Download stickers


Inspire students with these videos

Start off your Hour of Code with some familiar faces explaining why doing an Hour of Code is so important.


Decorate your classroom with inspiration

Get your classroom in the Hour of Code spirit with these free posters—featuring popular characters, themes, and inspiring quotes about computer science and technology!


Email language for outreach

Use our ready-made email templates to invite community members, request volunteers, and reach out to local politicians for your Hour of Code event, and more. Simply copy, customize, and send!

Download Hour of Code logos

Access high-resolution Hour of Code logos for your event materials. Ensure your usage fits our guidelines to maintain brand consistency and integrity.

Logo usage guidelines

Používať názvy „Hour of Code„ a „Hora del Código“ je možné len v takých kontextoch, z ktorých je zrejmé, že nejde o vašu vlastnú značku, ale podporujete hnutie Hodiny kódu zdola.

Good example: "Participate in the Hour of Code™ at YOUR-COMPANY.com."

Bad example: "Try Hour of Code by YOUR-COMPANY."

Na webových stránkach či v aplikáciách použite pri najvýraznejších zmienkach Hour of Code symbol „TM" v hornom indexe a pri zmienkach Hora del Código uveďte symbol "Ⓡ" v hornom indexe. Include language on your page (or in the footer), including links to the CSEdWeek and Code.org websites, that says the following: "The 'Hour of Code™'/'Hora del Código®' is a global initiative by Computer Science Education Week [csedweek.org] and Code.org [code.org] to introduce millions of students to one hour of computer science and computer programming." Nie je povolené používať výrazy „Hour of Code“ a „Hora del Código“ v názvoch aplikácií.

Hodinu kódu organizuje Code.org.