Get your community involved in the Hour of Code

1. הפיצו את השמועה

Tell your friends about the #HourOfCode!

2. Solicită întregii şcoli sa susțină o Oră de Programare

Send this email to your principal and challenge every classroom at your school to sign up.

3. Solicită angajatorului tău să se implice

Send this email to your manager or company's CEO.

4. קדם את שעה של קוד בקהילה שלך

Recruit a local group— boy/girl scouts club, church, university, veterans group, labor union, or even some friends. You don't have to be in school to learn new skills. Use these posters, banners, stickers, videos and more for your own event.

5. Solicită unui oficial, ales local, sprijinul pentru organizarea Hour of Code

Send this email to your local representatives, city council, or school board and invite them to visit your school for the Hour of Code. It can help build support for computer science in your area beyond one hour.