How-to Guide for Organizations

Use this handout to recruit corporations


1) Try the tutorials:

We’ll host a variety of fun, hour-long tutorials, created by a variety of partners. New tutorials are coming to kick off the Hour of Code before 5. September – 17. Dezember. All Hour of Code tutorials:
  • Require minimal prep-time for organizers
  • Are self-guided - allowing students to work at their own pace and skill-level

2) Plan your hardware needs - computers are optional

The best Hour of Code experience will be with Internet-connected computers. But you don’t need a computer for every participant, and can even do the Hour of Code without a computer at all.
  • Test tutorials on student computers or devices. Make sure they work properly (with sound and video).
  • Preview the congrats page to see what students will see when they finish.
  • Provide headphones for your group, or ask students to bring their own, if the tutorial you choose works best with sound.

3) Plan ahead based on your technology available

  • Don't have enough devices? Use pair programming. When participants partner up, they help each other and rely less on the teacher.
  • Have low bandwidth? Plan to show videos at the front of the class, so each student isn't downloading their own videos. Or try the unplugged / offline tutorials.

4) Inspire students - show them a video

Show students an inspirational video to kick off the Hour of Code. Examples: Get your students excited - give them a short intro