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Use the following messaging if you're looking for ways to promote the Hour of Code in your newsletters and communications.

Bu məlumatlardan bülletenlərdə istifadə edin

Bring computer science to your school. Start with an Hour of Code!

With technology changing every industry on the planet, computing knowledge has become part of a well-rounded skill set. But just half of all schools offer computer science! Yaxşı xəbər odur ki, bunu dəyişmək üzrəyik. If you've heard about the Hour of Code, you might know that it has made history. More than 100 million students have now discovered how accessible and fun computer science can be by doing just one Hour of Code.

Kod Saatı proqramlaşdırma haqqında mifləri dağıdaraq, hər kəsin onun əsaslarını öyrənə biləcəyini göstərmək üçün hazırlanmış informatikaya bir saatlıq giriş kursudur. Learn more at, try an hour yourself, or host an Hour of Code event to introduce others to the world of computing!

Messaging for frequently asked questions

Why is your school doing an Hour of Code?

Hamımız şagirdlərin günümüzün texnologiya ilə dolu dünyasnda necə baş çıxartmağı öyrənməyinin vacib olduğunu bildiyimiz halda, bir çox müəllimlər informatikanın tədrisində təcrübəli deyillər və haradan başlayacaqlarını bilmirlər. This event is a chance for all of us to see what computer science is about.

We hope it’ll spark interest in students to keep learning. Research also shows that kids can pick up programming concepts before they know how to read and write. In fact, their brains are more receptive to computer languages at a young age, just like foreign languages.

Niyə bu vacibdir?

There are nearly 700,000 open computing jobs in the US, but only 80,000 computer science students graduated into the workforce last year. And, 47 percent of schools in the U.S. don't offer computer science. It’s time for us to catch up to the 21st century. We know that regardless of what our students do when they grow up, whether they go into medicine, business, politics, or the arts, knowing how to build technology will give them confidence and a competitive edge.

A quote you can use in materials

Hadi Partovi, "" təsisçisi və baş icraçı direktoru söylədi: "Kod Saatı proqramlaşdırma barədə mifləri dağıtmaq, informatikanın kvant fizikası kimi qəliz bir elm olmadığını göstərmək üçün hazırlanıb - hər kəs əsasları öyrənə bilər". "Over 100 million students worldwide have tried an Hour of Code. The demand for relevant 21st-century computer science education crosses all borders and knows no boundaries." haqqında is a 501c3 public non-profit dedicated to expanding participation in computer science and increasing participation by young women and students from other underrepresented groups. Its vision is that every student in every school has the opportunity to learn computer programming. After launching in 2013, organized the Hour of Code campaign – which has introduced over 100 million students to computer science to date – and partnered with 70 public school districts nationwide to expand computer science programs. is supported by philanthropic donations from corporations, foundations and generous individuals, including Microsoft, Facebook, Infosys Foundation USA, Amazon, and others. For more information, please visit:

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