How to organize an Hour of Code event

The Hour of Code is a one-hour introduction to computer science, using fun tutorials to show how anyone can do an hour of code. This year, we want everyone to see what they are capable of through the power of computer science, making the invisible visible.

Organizations who fully engage with Hour of Code can help raise awareness of the computer science movement and inspire more students to try computer science, particularly young women and students from historically marginalized racial and ethnic groups.


Зареєструйте свою подію

An Hour of Code can unlock a lifetime of learning! Register your Hour of Code event to receive information about new activities and special promotions!

Перед Годиною коду


Оберіть свою діяльність

Choose from one of our exciting activities—we've got you covered! This year's hour highlights activities in music, dance, art, and movies/pop culture. We've noticed that these are the topics that students are most engaged with.

Виберіть вправу з програмування

Сплануйте свій захід

  • Consider where and when you want to hold your event, as well as the tech capabilities of your space. Users can work on their own devices, in pairs on one device, or together in a working space on a projector, and there are even unplugged tutorials that can be completed with no devices at all!
  • Send an email to an elected official or influential business person and invite them to speak.
  • You may also invite a local politician or local media, such as a local news station, newspaper, or education/tech bloggers.
Get resources to run an Hour of Code

Schedule your event

Ось зразок порядку денного для початку:

  • 10:00-10:05am: Open with one of our inspirational videos.
  • 10:05-10:15am: Event leader gives an intro overviewing the importance of computer science.
  • 10:15-10:30am: Special guest talks about their background and how technology and computer science plays an important role in their everyday lives.
  • 10:30-10:40am: Users do an Hour of Code demo! Fun twist: have them teach the principal, politician, or other students.
  • 10:40-11:00am: Users demo an unplugged activity and how computer science can be taught without using computers.
  • 11:00-11:05am: Event leader who helped organize event gives closing remarks.

Починайте кодувати!

As students are working on their activity, take pictures to commemorate the event and post on your organization's social media channels. (Publicity or privacy policies may apply.)

Day of Hour of Code

Make sure the agenda is running smoothly, and that it remains on track to end on time—especially if any special guests have other scheduled commitments to attend.


After the event

After a successful Hour of Code event, make sure to:

  • Celebrate! Print certificates of completion!
  • Thank any special guests for their time and offer to answer any follow-up questions they may have.
  • Post pictures, videos, or notable quotes from the day on social media. (Publicity or privacy policies may apply.)
  • Follow up with volunteers or guests for feedback on how to make next year's event even better.
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Після Години коду

Інформатика не повинна закінчуватися Годиною коду! Хоча 90% батьків хочуть, щоб їхня дитина вивчала інформатику, більшість шкіл все ще не викладають її. Ознайомтеся з різноманітними пропозиціями навчальних програм від партнерів «Години коду» та дізнайтеся, як принести інформатику у вашу школу вже сьогодні!

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Ресурси Години коду

Знайдіть усі необхідні ресурси - друковані та цифрові - щоб привернути увагу до вашої Години коду.

Досліджуйте діяльності

Перегляньте широкий вибір одногодинних уроків для всіх вікових категорій більш ніж 45 мовами.

Зареєструйте свою подію

Зареєструйте свою подію Години коду вже сьогодні та приєднуйтесь до глобального руху. Призи за участь у заходах, що відповідають критеріям!