Рекламуйте Годину коду

Find all the resources you need to bring attention to your Hour of Code. Not sure where to begin? Start with our how-to guide for hosting an Hour of Code!

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"Hour of Code" and "Hora del Código" are trademarked. We don't want to prevent their usage, but we do want to make sure usage fits within a few limits:

  1. Any reference to "Hour of Code" or "Hora del Código" should be used in a fashion that doesn't suggest that it's your own brand name, but rather referencing the Hour of Code as a grassroots movement.
  • Good example: "Participate in the Hour of Code™ at YOUR-COMPANY.com."
  • Bad example: "Try Hour of Code by YOUR-COMPANY."
  1. Use a "TM" superscript in the most prominent places you mention "Hour of Code" and a "Ⓡ" superscript in the most prominent places you mention "Hora del Código", both on your web site and in app descriptions.
  2. Include language on your page (or in the footer), including links to the CSEdWeek and Code.org websites, that says the following:

    “The 'Hour of Code™'/'Hora del Código®' is a global initiative by Computer Science Education Week [csedweek.org] and Code.org [code.org] to introduce millions of students to one hour of computer science and computer programming.”

  3. No use of "Hour of Code" or "Hora del Código" in app names.

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(Stickers are 1" diameter, 63 per sheet)


Invite people in your community to your Hour of Code and promote your event through email

Find more information and language you can use when talking about the Hour of Code.

Ask your school, employer, or friends to sign up:

Subject line: Join me and over 100 million students for an Hour of Code

Комп'ютери є скрізь, вони змінюють кожну галузь на планеті. But only 51% of all high schools offer computer science. Good news is, we’re on our way to change this! Якщо ви чули про Годину коду раніше, ви можете знати, що вона творить історію. Годину коду спробували понад 100 мільйонів учнів.

With the Hour of Code, computer science has been on homepages of Google, MSN, Yahoo!, and Disney. Для підтримки цього руху об'єдналися понад 100 партнерів. Every Apple Store in the world has hosted an Hour of Code, and leaders like President Obama and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau wrote their first lines of code as part of the campaign.

This year, let's make it even bigger. I’m asking you to join the Hour of Code 2022. Please get involved with an Hour of Code event during Computer Science Education Week, 1 жовтня - 18 грудня.

Поширюйте інформацію. Проведіть захід. Запросіть місцеву школу приєднатися. Або спробуйте Годину коду самі — від вивчення основ виграти може кожен.

Get started at http://hourofcode.com/vn/uk

Volunteer at a school:

Find more resources and information about volunteering in schools here.

Subject line: Can we help you host an Hour of Code?

Between 1 жовтня – 18 грудня, ten percent of students around the world will celebrate Computer Science Education Week by doing an Hour of Code at their school. It’s an opportunity for every child to learn how the technology around us works.

[Our organization/My name] would love to help [school name] run an Hour of Code event. We can help teachers host an Hour of Code in their classrooms (we don’t even need computers!) or if you would like to host a school assembly, we can arrange for a speaker to talk about how technology works and what it’s like to be a software engineer.

The students will create their own apps or games they can show their parents, and we’ll also print Hour of Code certificates they can bring home. And, it’s fun! With interactive, hands-on activities, students will learn computational thinking skills in an approachable way.

Комп'ютери є скрізь, вони змінюють кожну галузь на планеті. But only 51% of all high schools offer computer science. The good news is, we’re on our way to change this! If you've heard about the Hour of Code before, you might know it made history - more than 100 million students around the world have tried an Hour of Code. Even leaders like President Obama and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau wrote their first lines of code as part of the campaign.

You can read more about the event at http://hourofcode.com. Or, let us know if you’d like to schedule some time to talk about how [school name] can participate.

Повідомте батьків про заходи у вашій школі:

Subject line: Our students are changing the future with an Hour of Code

Шановні батьки,

Ми живемо у світі, наповненому технологіями. І ми знаємо, що яку б професію не обрали наші учні у майбутньому, їхній успіх все більше залежатиме від розуміння принципів роботи цих технологій.

But only a fraction of us are learning how technology works. Only 51% of all high schools offer computer science.

That’s why our entire school is joining in on the largest learning event in history: The Hour of Code, during Computer Science Education Week (1 жовтня - 18 грудня). Понад 100 мільйонів учнів по всьому світу вже пробували Годину коду. Our Hour of Code is making a statement that [SCHOOL NAME] is ready to teach these foundational 21st-century skills. Щоби пропонувати більше занять з програмування нашим учням, ми хочемо зробити нашу подію Години коду величезною. Я закликаю вас стати волонтером, донести цю інформацію до місцевих ЗМІ, поширити ці новини каналами соціальних мереж та розглянути можливість проведення додаткових подій Години коду в нашій громаді.

Це — шанс змінити майбутнє освіти в [НАСЕЛЕНИЙ ПУНКТ].

See http://hourofcode.com/vn/uk for details, and help spread the word.

Запросіть ЗМІ на свій захід:

Check out our press kit for more information on inviting media to your event.

Subject line: Local school joins mission to introduce students to computer science

Computers are everywhere, changing every industry on the planet, but only 51% of all high schools offer computer science. Young women and students from marginalized racial and ethnic groups are severely underrepresented in computer science classes, and in the tech industry. Доброю новиною є те, що ми змінюємо це.

With the Hour of Code, computer science has been on homepages of Google, MSN, Yahoo!, and Disney. Для підтримки цього руху об'єдналися понад 100 партнерів. Кожен з магазинів Apple у світі провів Годину коду. Even President Obama wrote his first line of code as part of the campaign.

That’s why every one of the [X number] students at [SCHOOL NAME] are joining in on the largest learning event in history: The Hour of Code, during Computer Science Education Week (December 6-12).

I'm writing to invite you to attend our kickoff assembly and to see kids start the activity on [DATE].

The Hour of Code, organized by the nonprofit Code.org and over 100 others, is a global movement that believes the students of today are ready to learn critical skills for 21st-century success. Будь ласка, приєднуйтесь до нас.

Contact: [YOUR NAME], [TITLE], cell: (212) 555-5555 When: [DATE and TIME of your event] Where: [ADDRESS and DIRECTIONS]

I look forward to being in touch.

Запросіть місцевих політиків на захід у Вашій школі:

Need more info? Take a look at our resources for inviting politicians to attend your event.

Subject line: Join our school as we change the future with an Hour of Code

Шановний [мере/губернаторе/народний депутате ІМ'Я ПРІЗВИЩЕ]:

Чи знали Ви, що інформаційні технології є джерелом №1 зарплат у США? В інформаційних технологіях є понад 500 000 вільних робочих місць, але попереднього року робочу силу поповнили лише 42 969 випускників з інформатики.

Computer science is foundational for every industry today, yet most schools don’t offer it. At [SCHOOL NAME], we are trying to change that.

That’s why our entire school is joining in on the largest learning event in history: The Hour of Code, during Computer Science Education Week (1 жовтня - 18 грудня). Понад 100 мільйонів учнів по всьому світу вже пробували Годину коду.

I'm writing to invite you to join our Hour of Code event and speak at our kickoff assembly. It’ll take place on [DATE, TIME, PLACE], and will make a strong statement that [State or City name] is ready to teach our students critical 21st-century skills. Ми хочемо бути впевнені, що наші учні знаходяться на передньому краї створення технологій майбутнього — а не лише споживання їх.

Будь ласка, зв'яжіться зі мною за [НОМЕР ТЕЛЕФОНУ АБО АДРЕСА ЕЛЕКТРОННОЇ ПОШТИ]. Я з нетерпінням чекаю на Вашу відповідь.