For everyone

How AI Works Video Series

This series of short videos will introduce you to how artificial intelligence works and why it matters. Then delve into issues like algorithmic bias and the ethics of AI decision-making.

Para estudantes: Aprendizagem com professores

Learn How AI Works

Dive into the world of AI with "How AI Works," lessons paired with our video series introducing you to how AI works and why it matters.

Professional development

AI 101 for Educators

Descubra o potencial transformador da inteligência artificial (I.A.) na educação com a nossa série on-line gratuita de aprendizagem para educadores.

For students: Teacher-led lessons

Learn about the Impacts of AI

Engage your classroom with teacher-led lessons that explore the impacts of artificial intelligence and invite learners to think of solutions to some of AI's issues.

Séries: 7-12

Inteligência Artificial e Ética

Reflita sobre as implicações éticas da IA e, em seguida, trabalhe em conjunto para criar um recurso de “Código de Ética de IA” para criadores e legisladores de IA em todos os lugares.

Séries: 7-12

Societal Impact of Generative AI

Investigate the impact of generative AI from different perspectives, then collaborate as a team to come up with guidelines that address the most needs from all participants.

Para educadores

Recursos adicionais para educadores

There is so much to learn about how AI can support you and your students. Check out these courses and tools from partners.

For everyone

Hour of Code AI Activities

These all-new Hour of Code activities introduce users to the world of artificial intelligence in a fun, engaging way.

Try Hour of Code AI activities