Additional activities
Thank you for your incredible participation in Hour of Code activities over the years!
As we continue to focus on providing the most impactful activities for this year's Hour of Code, some activities will no longer be featured on the homepage. Below is a list of additional activities that are available. Please note that Hour of Code organizers will no longer actively monitor or review them.
Thank you once again for your ongoing support. We can't wait to see the incredible innovations and learning moments this year brings!
- Python in Pieces: Explore text outputs and print statements
- The Mars Pioneers
- AI & Drawing
- AI4ALL: AI & Dance
- How Convolutional Neural Networks Work
- Storyboarding and Programming with Alice and The Sims
- Animating with Alice and Garfield
- Run Marco!
- Networks: Messages of Kindness
- Designing Icicles With Codeblocks in Tinkercad
- Using Loops in Tinkercad to Design a Bursting Star
- Moon Base SOS with Arduino
- Linkbot Obstacle Course
- Robot Autonomous Vehicle
- Code the Music of Franz Liszt
- Creative Coding Adventures
- AI for All
- Build Crazy Apps with Bitsbox
- Yak Attack! Make a Card with Typed Code
- Bitsbox Coding + Geometry
- Bitsbox Coding + Chemistry
- Bitsbox Coding + Language Arts
- Bitsbox Coding + Science
- Bitsbox Coding + Art
- Bitsbox Coding + Math (K-2)
- Bitsbox Coding + Physics
- Bitsbox Coding + Biology
- Bitsbox Coding + Music
- Bitsbox Coding + Math (3-5)
- BusyBot!
- Stopwatch Builder
- Tetherball
- Sierpinski Triangle: Make Art with Math!
- Screen Saver
- BlocksCAD Robot
- BlocksCAD Pizza Printer
- BlocksCAD Snowflake
- BlocksCAD Birdhouses
- Star Wars and BB-8 with Geometry and Code
- Custom Game Consoles with Code
- Coin-Flipping Simulator
- BlocksCAD Analog Clock
- BlocksCAD Ice Cream Machine
- BlocksCAD Scale City
- Building Solar Power with Loops
- BlocksCAD Transformation Target Practice
- BlocksCAD Modeling a Virus with Code
- BlocksCAD Roblox Characters
- Don't Yeet the Yeti
- BluPants: Learn Coding with Real Robots
- Bootstrap: Snowman Puzzle
- Bootstrap: Computing Needs All Voices
- Bootstrap: Hour of Data
- Animal House
- Under the Sea
- Starry Night
- Dance Fever
- GridLight: Hello World
- Art & Music: Color (Vidcode)
- English: Biography (Scratch)
- Art & Music: Color (Scratch)
- Health: DNA (Scratch)
- Science: Food Chains (Vidcode)
- English: Biography (Vidcode)
- Health: DNA (Vidcode)
- Math: Multiplication (Scratch)
- Math: Multiplication (Vidcode)
- Social Studies: Martin Luther King Jr. (Scratch)
- Social Studies: Martin Luther King Jr. (Vidcode)
- Digital Citizenship: Online Safety (Vidcode)
- Science: Food Chains (Scratch)
- Engineering & Tech: Computer Programming (Scratch)
- Engineering & Tech: Computer Programming (Vidcode)
- Haspy and Lockit: Code Buddies
- Creative Coding
- Thinking in Code
- Rock, Paper, Scissors with Python
- My Favorites Website
- Support My Cause
- Jokes and Riddles
- Life Below Water
- World of JavaScript
- World of Python 2
- World of JavaScript 2
- Zulama MakeQuest Video Game Activity
- Zillah Beats
- Iris Rover Challenge with VICE Virtual Robot
- Machine Vision in Robotics (Virtual)
- Virtual SPIKE Prime Coding - Iris Rover Challenge
- Sensabot Challenge
- Algorithmic Doodle Art
- Create-a-Face
- Australian Magician's Dream Activity
- Brain-in-a-bag Activity
- Compression Code Puzzles
- Emotion Machine: Create-a-Face Card
- HexaHexaFlexagon Automata Activity
- Invisible Palming Activity
- JFLAP: Creating Finite State Machines
- Kriss-Kross Puzzles
- Knight's Tour Activity
- Locked-In
- Magical Book Magic
- Microwave Racing Video Activity
- The Red Black Mind Meld Activity
- Pixel Puzzles
- Punch Card Searching Activity
- The Teleporting Robot Activity
- Tour Guide Activity
- Galaxy Game Jam
- Coded Embroidery
- Coding Galaxy - Adventure Planet
- Coding Galaxy: City X
- Chibitronics: Illuminated Story
- Silicon Synapses: Evolution of AI
- Old MacDonald Hacked a farm, AI, AI Drone
- Build a Game with JavaScript
- New Kids on the Blockchain
- Keyboard Quest: CS100 Software & Hardware
- AVATAR: Big Data & Digital Footprints
- Operation Cloud
- Face the Future
- Gesture Genius
- Matariki: Māori New Year
- Super Slimer: Code Your Adventure
- Firewall
- Broadcasting spells: Scratch coding beyond the basics
- Hello world: Say hello to Python coding
- Binary Hero
- Code it! - Images and Animations
- The Big Duck Race
- Code Like a Girl: A Storyteller
- Code your own sports game
- Play Lab
- Infinity Play Lab
- Introduction to Machine Learning
- Intro to App Lab
- Simple Encryption
- Algorithmic Bias
- The Big Event
- Chatbots and Large Language Models
- Our AI Code of Ethics
- Computer Vision
- Generative Images
- Getting Loopy
- Graph Paper Programming
- Happy Maps
- Move it, Move it!
- Neural Networks
- Persistence: Building a Foundation
- Societal Impact of Generative AI
- Text Compression
- Code your own sports game
- Code your own sports game
- Minecraft Hour of Code
- Make a basketball game
- Star Wars: Building a Galaxy with Code
- Ice Age Play Lab
- Star Wars: Building a Galaxy with Code
- Placeholder for new
- Gumball Play Lab
- Play Lab
- Dance Party
- Write your first computer program
- Minecraft Hour of Code
- Minecraft Hour of Code
- Minecraft Hour of Code
- Make a basketball game
- Dance After-Party
- Dance After-Party
- Disney Star Wars
- Disney Star Wars
- Minecraft Hour of Code
- Disney Star Wars
- Disney Star Wars
- Minecraft Hour of Code
- Hello World
- Hello World
- Hello World
- Hello World
- Hello World
- Hello World
- Poem Art
- Dance Party: AI Edition
- Falling Objects: Game Design on Scratch
- Code Your Self-Portrait
- Learn Programming With JavaScript In A Jiffy
- CodeCombat: Build an Arcade Game!
- CodeCombat AI HackStack
- CodeCombat: Code, Play, Create
- CodeCombat: Teacher-Led Activities
- CodeCombat
- Draw with code
- Introduction to text based coding
- Coding in Sports
- Program in Python with Tracy the Turtle
- Coding in Music
- Make a Real App with JavaScript
- Create Virtual Worlds with CodeHS
- Supporting Artists with Code
- Learn to Code with Karel the Dog
- Coding Mathematical Models
- Training AI Using Data K-1
- Drawing and Scratch
- Digital Art in Pixels with CodeHS
- Triangle Computations with CodeHS
- CodeHS Pixel Art
- Training AI Using Data 2-5
- Generating Art with Code
- Cryptocurrency: Explore the Bitcoin Ledger
- Cryptocurrency: Explore Blockchain Technology
- Programming an Adaptation: Camouflage
- Caesar Cipher Wheel
- Coding Collision Simulations
- Coding with Data Visualizations
- Exploring Genotypes with Code
- Coding in Java with CodeHS
- JavaScript Graphics with CodeHS
- Coding for a Litter-Free Community
- Code in Python with CodeHS
- Creating Apps with React Native
- Web Design with CodeHS
- CodeJIKA: Snake Arcade Game
- CodeJIKA: My Biz Website
- CodeJIKA: 5 Minute Website
- Beginning JavaScript
- Scratch: Create Your Own Snake Game
- Python Lab
- Bamboo JS
- Learn Basic Java
- Unplugged: Code A Maze
- Make Pizza with JavaScript
- Codemoji
- CodeMonkey
- AI is a Hoot: Pose Detection
- Dodo Does Math
- Space Adventure: Write Code and Catch Bananas!
- Game Builder
- Banana Tales: Python Coding Game
- Moon Lander
- Trivia Chatbot
- Grid Garden
- Flexbox Froggy
- Target practice: Introduction to Python graphics
- Anime expressions: Create and style a webpage for an anime drawing tutorial
- Beginner Scratch Sushi Cards
- Build a Grow a Plant! Game in Scratch
- Create a Climate Change Trivia Game on Scratch
- Code a Grandparent Card in Scratch
- Coding Twinkle Little Star in ScratchJr
- Program a Strong Password Generator in Python
- How to Code A Trivia Game on Scratch Using AI
- Let's Play with the ScratchJr Kitten! Activity Pack
- Build a Road Game in Scratch
- Code a Time Capsule in Scratch
- The Little Artist In Your Computer Activity Pack
- Code a Pokemon Evolution Game
- Code a Pixel Art Editor in Bitsbox
- Code a Healthy Meal App
- Build an AI Chatbot in Python
- Code a Meditation Breathing App
- Code a Chatbot with the Female CS Pioneers
- Create a Website to Spread Awareness About Climate Change
- Build a Composting Game in Scratch
- Code a Happy Place Meditation App
- Team Hardware vs. Team Software
- Codesters: Soccer Shot
- Transformation Puzzles
- Codesters: We Can Stop COVID PSA
- The Coordinate Plane
- Codesters: Social Distancing Sprites
- Codesters: Unity Mural
- My First Platformer Game
- My First Landing Page
- My Space Explorer
- Code Tribe: 10 Minute Program
- C.A.T.S. go for Robot Olympics
- Rescue the underwater city!
- CodeYalla: 5 Minute Website
- Programming Hero
- The Crypto Memory Game
- Secret Codes Activity
- Computer History Activity
- Grace Hopper Debugging Activity
- Unplugged Coding from Crayola Education: Draw A Code
- Unplugged Coding from Crayola Education: Follow My Code
- Unplugged Coding from Crayola Education: Visual Symbols Convey Meaning
- Learn How Binary Works with Computers using Minecraft
- Build Your Own Carbon Calculator
- Welcome to Data Superpower
- Fashionistas of Data Science - Class 1
- Fashionistas of Data Science - Class 2
- Build Fun Apps/Games Using ChatGPT AI
- CodeQuilt
- We Can Create a Story Together!
- Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star Class Collaboration
- ScratchJr: Can I Make a Spooky Forest?
- ScratchJr: Can I Make My Characters Greet Each Other?
- ScratchJr: Can I Make the Sun Set?
- Scratch - Book to Code
- Scratch - Planet Wind
- Data Literacy in the AI Era Workshop
- Scratch - Solar Power Hour
- Recoloring the Universe
- Build your own chatbot in Python
- Robots and Java: An introduction to Java
- Bake a Cake With HTML!
- Code your own racing game!
- Defend the Kingdom!
- Learn the Basics!
- The Frosted Forest
- Temple of Horus
- Chiroptera's Lair
- Design Your Own Maze!
- Uncover the Agency's Secrets!
- Space Solo
- Computational Thinking and Programming Challenge
- Finch Fractals
- Creating a Game with Hummingbird
- Through the Maze with the Finch Robot
- Spirals with the Finch
- Haunted Code Chronicles
- Intro to Python with CodeBot
- Learn Python with the micro:bit
- Python with CodeX
- CodeSpace: Virtual Robotics with Python
- FIRST Tech Challenge Simulator
- Coding: Algorithms Lesson Plan
- Coding: For Loops Lesson Plan
- Coding: Conditionals Lesson Plan
- Writing and interpreting Events
- Design a Robot
- Code your own colossal squid game
- Games Industry Activity: Code a Platformer game
- COVID-19 Simulator: Learn about social distancing through computer science.
- Bloons Trigonometry Defense
- Eco Warriors #Trashtag
- Coding Bacteria with Gamefroot
- Learn Variables. Code your own Clicker Game.
- Mihi Maker
- Create "Monster Maze" with GameSalad
- Build a Space Rocks game with GameSalad
- Build a Superhero
- Blockly Games Offline
- Discover AI in Daily Life
- Filter a Photo
- CS First Unplugged
- Dialogue
- An Unusual Discovery
- Design Your Name
- CS First
- Make a Duck Piano
- Make Your Own Paint Editor
- Make an Interactive Color Circle
- Build a Catapult
- Make a Sound Recorder
- Cyber Live
- Flags of the World (Python Turtle)
- Python + Biology: Build an animal classifier!
- Image Magic with Python
- Is Eliza Human? (Python)
- Disease Epidemic
- Emoticon Madness
- Frozen Fractals (Blockly Turtle)
- Frozen Fractals (Python Turtle)
- Hydrangea Danger
- Monster Maker!
- Virtual Pet (micro:bit Blockly)
- Virtual Pet (micro:bit MicroPython)
- Cyber Security: Defence Against the Dark Hats
- Space (Blockly)
- The Dark Tunnel
- Grok Learning
- Hedy: textual programming made easy!
- My First Computer
- Computer Science in 60 seconds
- Hello Ruby: Love Letters for Computers
- Build Subway Surfers with a Friend
- Make a Fireworks App on iPad/iPhone
- Make Crossy Road on iPad/iPhone
- Emoji Draw
- Can You Escape? Build an Escape Room with Hopscotch
- Hopscotch Game Design Workshop
- Geometry Jumper
- Quiz Creator
- Telling stories: ELA + coding
- Hopscotch: Make Interactive Science Models on Your iPad/iPhone!
- Intro to PHP: Create an Online Store from Scratch
- Intro to JavaScript: from variables to your first program
- Master the Web with Muffin the Cat
- CSS Animations: Travel Through Time
- Build a Flappy Birds clone with hyperPad
- Create a Smarter Enemy AI in hyperPad
- Making a Pong Game in hyperPad
- IBM Hour of Z
- iMake Algorithms
- appy Tappin'
- iAnimate
- iCipher
- A Byte of iCompute: Unplugged
- iHide Eggs
- Fireworks Display: Created with Code
- Learn Coding with iCompute
- iControl
- Ice Cream Dodge
- iDo WeDo
- iFly
- iGuess Beasts: QR Code Activity
- iJournalist
- iKode Xmas
- iLove Ada
- iMathematician
- iMorse - Cryptography with Morse Code & Sphero
- iOrder
- iSave Santa!
- Micro:bit Cyber Pin Code Generator
- Imagine it. Code it. Wear it.
- Creating patterns with code
- Drawing shapes with code
- intelino Mission: Field Trip
- ABC Code with intelino
- Driving the intelino AI Sign Train
- Smile to Drive intelino
- Guess the Code
- Robot Feelings: The Kind Playground
- Robotics for K-2: Robot Parts
- Telephone Drawing
- Seeing the Whole Picture: Coded Messages
- Robot Pizza Party
- Robotics for K-2: Robot Shapes
- Simulator Code Break
- Robotics for K-2: Robot Tools
- Traffic Bot: Code Your Own Traffic Signal
- iRobot Code Break with Root
- iRobot Code Break
- Kano Computing - Make Pong
- Kano Pixel Hack
- Street Artist
- Harry Potter: Learn to Code and Make Magic
- Art Playground
- Khan Academy: Drawing with Code
- Making Webpages
- Khan Academy: Databases
- An introduction to JavaScript
- An introduction to JavaScript
- An introduction to JavaScript
- An introduction to JavaScript
- An introduction to JavaScript
- Simulating Dominos Using JavaScript
- Teach an AI to Play Pong
- Sport + Code: Hockey
- Sport + Code: Xtrail
- The Health & Well-Being Challenge
- Sport + Code: Skiing
- Our Heroines
- Let me introduce myself!
- #kids2030 Plastics Challenge
- Measure and Predict with KIBO Robot Bowling
- Teach Your KIBO Robot to Dance!
- KIBO Craft and Build Drop Test
- Expressing Happiness with KIBO
- Let's Program Each Other
- KIBO Snowplow - Important Jobs in the Community
- Adding and Subtracting with KIBO
- An Introduction to AI with KIBO
- AI - Design a KIBO Mars Rover
- KIBO the Playful Animal
- Create Your Dream Car with KIBO
- KIBO the Singer
- Intro to Coding through Robotics (ft. Wonder Workshop)
- Introduction to Programming
- Coding Basics: Unplugged
- Writing and Coding: ELA Integration with Common Core Standards
- Advanced Programming Concepts
- Choose Your Own (Fuzzy) Adventure!
- If Flash, Then Clap!
- Maze Maker Challenges
- Pizza Party!
- Pizza Party! (pre-reader)
- Women in Tech
- fuzzFamily Fitness
- fuzzFamily Frenzy
- Kodable (pre-readers welcome)
- fuzzFamily Frenzy
- fuzzFamily Fitness
- fuzzFamily Frenzy
- Mazyad's Adventures
- Dash Joins a Dance Circle
- Dash Joins a Dance Circle (with Functions)
- Codesters: Feed the Fish
- Codesters: Basketball
- Codesters: Etch-a-Sketch
- Codesters: Fireworks!
- Codesters: Star Hedgehog
- Codesters: Code Your Own PSA
- Codesters: Code & Graph micro:bit Data
- Code an Interactive eCard
- Design Your Own Logo
- Codesters: Create a Micro Ball Game
- Code Your Initials
- Autonomous Parking – LEGO® MINDSTORMS® Education EV3
- Break Dance
- Object Detection – LEGO® MINDSTORMS® Education EV3
- Hopper Race
- Create a Journey with LEGO Education
- Automatic Headlights – LEGO® MINDSTORMS® Education EV3
- Plants and Pollinators – LEGO® Education WeDo 2.0
- Robust Structures – LEGO® Education WeDo 2.0
- Code Car Simulator
- Disney Codeillusion: Game Development Adventure with Goofy for Beginners
- Disney Codeillusion: Game Development Adventure with Goofy for Intermediates
- Disney Codeillusion: Computer Fundamentals
- Spritebox Coding
- Lightbot
- Feedback Loops and AI
- Password Security and Protection
- Fun with Functions & littleBits
- Inputs & Outputs with littleBits
- Lessons in Logic with littleBits
- Leap into loops with littleBits!
- littleBits: Hot Potato...of Doom!
- littleBits: Tug of War
- Variables with littlebits
- littleBits: Change the world arcade challenge
- The Technology of Digital Displays with littleBits
- LiveCode Sound Boards
- Picture This! HTML Decoded
- App Wars
- Deconstructing Code in a Flash(card)
- Mobile App Development: Coding with A.I. and MAD-learn
- Quick Draw Emoji with Machine Learning
- Code Wizard Castle
- Learn to Code with MATLAB
- Edison the Maze Racer
- Edison the designer
- Code a guard dog with Edison
- Edison the Blueprint Designer
- Teach Edison to count to 9
- Detect and avoid with Edison
- Edison and EdPy: Get Edison moving
- Edison's musical talents
- Edison and the mystery line
- Edison and the spiralling spider trap
- Perform in the spotlight with Edison
- It's hip to be a square
- Robot shape-up with Edison
- micro:bit pet
- micro:bit dice
- micro:bit reaction game
- micro:bit: coding towards Global Goal 14, Life Below Water
- micro:bit: coding towards Global Goal 15, Life on Land
- Saving Sea Turtles
- micro:bit which way now? activity
- Introducing the BBC micro:bit: Animation and Buttons
- Make a Falling Meteors Game for the BBC micro:bit
- Sparks Flying!
- Spooky Manor: Uncover the Haunted Mysteries with VS Code for Education
- Chase the Pizza!
- Roboland
- Roboland Jr
- Minecraft Hour of Code: AI for Good
- Talk to Me Mobile App
- Ball Bounce Mobile App
- Codi the Bee
- Building a mobile ChatGPT app with MIT App Inventor
- Conversational AI with MIT App Inventor
- Building an ImageBot with MIT App Inventor
- MIT Education Arcade
- Pop Culture Data Science
- Developing AI Literacy (DAILy) 2.0: Deepfakes + Ethical Matrix
- Developing AI Literacy (DAILy) 2.0: Intro to Supervised Machine Learning
- Developing AI Literacy (DAILy) 2.0: Spread of Misinformation
- Play That Tune App
- Map Tour App
- Lighthouse Design Challenge with Cubelets
- Investigating Variables & Block Values using Cubelets
- Modulo Code: Code E.D.
- Mystery Island Coding Quest
- Code your Brand
- Code your Brand: Make a Logo
- NASA: Code a Mars Helicopter Video Game
- NASA: Code a Mars Sample Collection Video Game
- NASA: Artemis II Coding Challenge
- NASA: Lunar Coding Challenge
- NASA: Mars Sample Return Coding Challenge
- NASA: Crew Orbital Docking Simulation
- NASA: Package Delivery Drone Simulation Coding Activity
- NASA: Mars Perseverance Parachute Coding Activity
- NASA: Coding a Radio Message in Space
- Binary Code: How to Talk to a Spacecraft
- Universe in 3D: modeling and printing cosmic objects
- Coding: Algorithms
- Topic Spark: Coding
- Programming with Carla
- Write your Name with OzoCodes
- Ozobot Blockly Challenge: ShapeTracer 1
- The OzoBlockly Tutorial
- Make a Multiplication Algorithm
- Basic Applications of IR Communications
- Broadcast and Retrieve IR Messages with Ozobot
- Introduction to Color Codes 01: Line Following
- Introduction to Color Codes 02: Drawing Color Codes
- Introduction to Color Codes 03: Directionality
- Intro to IR Communications
- Introduction to Ozobot: Get to Know Evo
- Picking Out Irregular Plural Nouns
- What's My Value?
- Pop Star|Creating Functions With Ozobot Color Codes
- Ozobot Dance-Off
- Eclipses and Celestial Mechanics
- Equestrian Event
- Intro to Evo: Evo's Force Field
- Ozobot Expedition to Neptune
- Modeling Animal Habits and Habitats
- Magellan's Journey
- PopStar|Creating Functions With OzoBlockly
- How to Program Robots
- 50 cm Race
- Ozobot Random Story Generator
- Ozobot Blockly Challenge: ShapeTracer 2
- Program Simulator
- Ozobot Second Timer
- Ozobot Blockly Challenge: OzoTown
- Evo the Troll
- Drive to School with Ozobot
- Adventure with Q
- PBS KIDS Scratch Jr
- Interactive Art: Bringing Art to Life with Code
- Computational Portraiture: Art for Good
- A Phidgets Theremin with Processing
- Pickcode: Guessing Game Chatbot
- Pickcode: Mobius Triangle Painting
- Pickcode: Carbon Footprint Calculator
- Pickcode: Exoplanet Explorer
- Pickcode: Generative Art Creator
- Pickcode: Little Language Model
- Pickcode: Shapes and Spirals
- KUBO Robotics Coding Routes
- PIXIE Challenges
- Plethora: Cause and Effect
- The Processing Foundation - Hello Processing
- Interactive Storytelling
- Programming Games in Scratch
- Rock, Paper, Scissors
- Alexa in Space
- Minecraft Cyber Castle Challenge
- Accessible programming (with screenreader support)
- Coding in Astronomy
- Mosquito patrol
- Space Talk: Launch into Scratch coding
- Tree life simulator
- Stress Ball: Code a clickable onscreen stress ball
- Flip treat webcards: Create interactive hover cards that flip
- Astro Pi: Mission Zero
- Charting champions: The power of Python lists
- Solar system simulator: Python models and dictionaries
- Sense HAT Pong
- Scratch 3.0 phrasebook
- Sense HAT data logger
- LED firefly: Meet the Raspberry Pi Pico
- RoboGarden Coding - Intermediate
- RoboGarden Coding - Advanced
- RoboGarden STEAM - Art
- RoboGarden Coding - Beginner
- RoboGarden STEAM - Engineering
- RoboGarden STEAM - Math
- RoboGarden STEAM - Science
- RoboGarden STEAM - Technology
- RoboGarden Puzzles - Robo Treasure Chest
- Program a virtual robot
- Hour of Code Activity 1 - Marty Unplugged
- Hour of Code Activity 2 - the Marty Controller
- Hour of Code Activity 3 - Getting Started with Marty Blocks Jr
- Hour of Code Activity 4 - Getting Started with MartyBlocks
- Animate a 3D Logo
- 3D Flappy Bird
- Equity vs. Equality
- Code a Line Follower
- FarmBot: Plant with Code
- Hanoi Tower Game - recursive functions
- SAS CodeSnaps: Collaborative coding for blind, low vision and sighted students
- SAS DataFly
- Show With Code: Features on a Map
- SciGirls: Code Quest
- SciGirls: Code Creators
- SciGirls: Passion for Pixels
- Anything is Possible! Storytelling with Scratch
- Make Music with Scratch
- Imagine a World
- Make it Fly with Scratch
- Talking Tales
- Create Animations That Talk
- Get creative with coding
- Game Maker
- Alice in Wonderland
- DragonScript Arena: a Javascript coding game with Dragons
- Robo Keyboard and the Typing Device
- Create a Hardware Robot with Em
- Program With Scratch and Tomika
- Em Builds a Robot With Hardware
- Robo Inventor and the Creative Coding Project
- Robo Car Introduces Scratch
- Robo Wand and the Variable Fruit
- Tomika Programs With ScratchJr
- Turtle Robot
- Shelly: Learn programming by drawing!
- Plugged Coding Activity: Parts of A Plant
- Plugged Coding Activity: Plant Life Cycle
- My First Python Code
- Your First Webpage in an Hour!
- Fun Fun Functions
- Jurassic Code: Spheroraptor Escape
- Jurassic Code: Mansion Mayhem
- Your Community
- BOLT: Light Sensor
- Inputs and Outputs
- Inputs and Outputs Unplugged
- Loops Unplugged
- BOLT: Infrared
- Roadblocks
- Sphero Arcade Playground
- Sphero Baby Steps
- BOLT meets ChatGPT
- Additive Color Theory (RGB) with BOLT
- Communication
- Text 1: Hello World
- Blocks 1: Roll Block Squares
- indi Color Contest
- Autonomous indi
- Blocks 2: Light and Sound Stories
- Blocks 3: Matrix Emotions
- AI with RVR+: Autonomous Vehicles
- AI with RVR+: Image Recognition
- RVR+ in Color!
- Super Smiles
- CIA Triad and Cybersecurity
- Blocks 4: On Collision Event Pong
- Learn Python Programming by Building A Robot
- JS Hero
- Escape Velocity and Black Holes!
- The Physics of Video Games!
- Data Science: Earth Day
- Pi day!
- Planetoids and Lunar Descent
- Pong &
- Code a Virtual Holiday Card
- Advanced Python Features
- Basic Image Manipulation
- Explaining Closures in JS
- Flocking Autonomous Agents
- Practical Introduction to Functional Programming with JS
- Introduction to Functional Programming with Python
- Genetic Algorithms
- Interactive Kotlin Basics
- Avoiding Null Anti Patterns
- Shortest Paths with Dijkstra's Algorithm
- Getting Started With Rust
- Using C# LINQ - A Practical Overview
- Embrace Modern JavaScript - ES6 and Beyond
- Tractor Traversal
- Dragon's Apprentice Chapter 1
- Race Condition
- Second Team
- The Canyon: Battle Arena
- The Passage
- The Maze
- Ovun City
- The Bunker
- White House
- Aqueducts
- Frog Squash
- Binary Dungeon
- Crowded Sprouts
- Functional Freestyle
- 10 Minutes of Code
- Code Baymax
- Grandes Heroes
- Binary Baubles
- Conditionals with Cards
- Robot Repair: Can You Fix the Robot Brain?
- Robot Repair: Can You Fix the Robot Brain? (Unplugged)
- CodeSpells: The Nexus
- Let's Get This Bread: Learn How to Build Two Apps
- Build a Scavenger Hunt App with Code Blocks
- Build an Informational App on Thunkable
- Beaver in a Mask
- Build a Translator and Text-to-Speech App with Thunkable
- What's AR?
- BB-8 Swing
- LEGO Bricker
- Swimming Orca - by Tickle App
- Sphero Run
- Parrot Wonder
- Parrot Wonder
- Human Resource Machine
- Human Resource Machine
- Discover Python with Silent Teacher
- Compute it
- Silent Teacher
- Utopian Architect
- N-Gram Explorers: Quest for Words
- Trinket's Hour of Python
- Candy Quest
- Learn to Code with Monster High
- Brick Breaker Game Kit
- Fruit Fighter
- Space Quest
- Dragon Dash
- Code Monsters
- NASA Moon 2 Mars
- Cooking Game
- Pets Game
- Solar System STEM Kit
- Peep: Nature Walk
- Code Commander
- Puppy Adventure
- Crystal Clash
- Responsible Consumption and Production
- Undersea Arcade Game Kit
- Spin Draw Animation Kit
- Multiplication Escape STEM Kit
- Physics Cannon 2-Player Game Kit
- Peep: Dance with Friends
- Tynker on Tablets
- Change the World
- Landscape Generator
- Create a Superhero Mask
- Analog Clock STEM Kit
- Counter Hack
- Debugger
- Program Drones and Robots
- Ecological Pyramid STEM Kit
- Affordable and Clean Energy
- Homophones STEM Kit
- Affordable and Clean Energy (HTML)
- Responsible Consumption and Production (JavaScript)
- Life on Land
- Life on Land (Python)
- Toxic Jungle
- Bill of Rights STEM Kit
- Bill of Rights STEM Kit
- Build an App
- Build your own game
- Learn Algebra with RoboBlockly
- Learn One Hour Coding with RoboBlockly
- Learn Robotics with RoboBlockly
- Learn Coding with RoboBlockly
- Learn Math with RoboBlockly
- Unity Game Development Creator Kit: Beginner Code
- Program Your Own Castle
- Pac-Man ZERO
- Make your own 3D Frogger game
- Cloud Constructor
- Found Art Challenge: Creating Art through Code
- Teacher Led Lesson Plans
- Animoji
- Animoji
- Plastic Pollution PSA
- Create your own typeface!
- Climate Clock
- Code the Eclipse
- Vidcode: Bestie Greeting Card
- Vidcode: Climate Science & Code
- Vidcode: Deal With It
- Facetracker
- Input and Output, Math Activity
- SFX Magic
- SFX Magic
- Vidcode: Map Your Community
- Plastic Pollution PSA
- Vidcode: Code the News
- Game Changineer: Create with English
- Stormy Science
- Weavly: Activities at Home
- Moon Phase: creating the moon phases with code.
- Clock: creating a clock with code
- Pacman game: creating a pacman game with code.
- Road crossing game: building a road crossing game with code
- Saving the sea: creating a game with code
- Traffic light: creating a traffic light with code.
- Random Melodies
- Age in Days
- Draw a Polygon
- Draw a Sphere
- Sound of PI
- Ninja Name Generator
- Ninja Name Generator
- Wonder Workshop Activity Packets
- Introduction to Robotics
- Dance the Loopedy-Loop
- The Robot Games
- Draw Spirals with Dash
- A Series of Unfortunate Events
- Dash the Collector (B1)
- Cue's Starter Guide
- Dash the Puppy (E3)
- Cue's Secret Message
- Dash's Road Trip (F2)
- Dot at the Petting Zoo (B2)
- Code your own pixel art!
- Penguins: Accessible Data Science with Quorum Blocks
- Joy of Bubble Popping
- Mission to Hubble with Scott Kelly
- Loops Diner
- High Flyer
- OctoStudio: Create a Creature
- OctoStudio: Make a Tilt Game
- AI Text to Game: Platformer
- App Inventor & StoryGPT