Hvordan kan du få medieopmærksomhed om dit Hour of Code arrangement

Make a splash with your Hour of Code event and invite local media to see why computer science is important at your school.

For alle henvendelser fra presse og medier, kontakt venligst press@code.org på engelsk

Vigtige Tips

  • Send mails til medierne to uger før dit arrangement. Følg op med e-mails og telefonopkald, hvis du ikke modtager svar på den første henvendelse.
  • Bed skolens ansatte tage billeder og dele dem online eller som trykt materiale.
  • Skriv om Hour of Code på din hjemmeside og i din skoles avis. Skriv om dit arrangement og brug billeder af elevaktiviteter.
  • On Facebook and Twitter, share updates on your plans, announce your events, and post pictures during 2023. Use the hashtag #HourOfCode so Code.org can see and promote your events.

Step-by-step guide

1. Planlæg dit arrangement

  • Planlæg et fælles kick off arrangement for Hour of Code.
  • Send a letter to parents and ask them to spread the word.
  • Send a letter to invite your local mayor, member of Congress, governor, or influential businessperson to attend and speak to your students.
  • Organisere gruppeaktiviteter (som for eksempel en demonstration af en "unplugged" programmeringsaktivitet), eller vis elevaktiviteterne.
  • Show Code.org’s Hour of Code video or one of these videos to inspire students.

2. Identify specific reporters that cover education or local events

Like local newspapers, TV station or radio stations, or blogs.

3. Kontakt lokale medier

Den bedste måde at nå ud er via e-mail. It should be short and should communicate "why should other people care about this event"? Husk også at sende dine kontaktoplysninger (herunder mobil nummer) for den person der vil være på stedet under arrangementet. See a sample pitch to media.

Kig på Internettet for at finde journalisternes kontaktoplysninger. If you can't find it, call the publication to ask, or email the organization's general email address and ask for your message to be directed to the correct reporter.

4. Forberedelse til forskellige spørgsmål om din skoles aktiviteter. Her er nogle eksempler:

Hvorfor arrangerer din skole Hour of Code?

Selv om vi alle ved, er det er vigtigt for elever, at lære at navigere i nutidens it-mættede verden. Men mange lærere har ikke erfaring i kodning og ved ikke hvor du skal begynde. Hour of Code er en chance for os alle til at se hvad kodning handler om.

Vi håber at det vil styrke interessen hos eleverne og at de vil fortsætte senere. Research also shows that kids can pick up programming concepts before they know how to read and write. I virkeligheden så er børns hjerner mere modtagelig for edb-sprog i en ung alder, ligesom med fremmedsprog.

Hvorfor er dette vigtigt?

Technology is transforming every industry on the planet. In 2015, 7 million openings in the U.S. were in occupations—including art and design—that value coding skills. But 60 percent of schools in the U.S. don't teach computer science. It’s time for us to catch up to the 21st-century. We know that regardless of what our students do when they grow up, whether they go into medicine, business, politics, or the arts, knowing how to build technology will give them confidence and a competitive edge.

Sample email to send to invite local media to your event

Subject line: Local school joins mission to introduce students to computer science

Computers are everywhere, changing every industry on the planet, but fewer than half of all schools teach computer science. Young women and students from marginalized racial and ethnic groups are severely underrepresented in computer science classes, and in the tech industry. De gode nyheder er, at vi er på vej til at ændre dette.

With the Hour of Code, computer science has been on homepages of Google, MSN, Yahoo!, and Disney. Over 100 partners have joined together to support this movement. Every Apple Store in the world has hosted an Hour of Code. Even President Obama wrote his first line of code as part of the campaign.

Derfor deltager alle [X number] eleverne på [SCHOOL NAME] i den største læringsbegivenhed i historien: Hour of Code i løbet af Computer Science Education-ugen (3-9. december).

I'm writing to invite you to attend our kickoff assembly and to see kids start the activity on [DATE].

The Hour of Code, organized by the nonprofit Code.org and over 100 others, is a global movement that believes the students of today are ready to learn critical skills for 21st-century success. Du kan også være med.

Contact: [YOUR NAME], [TITLE], cell: (212) 555-5555 When: [DATE and TIME of your event] Where: [ADDRESS and DIRECTIONS]

I look forward to being in touch.

Additional details and a quote you can use in materials

"The Hour of Code is designed to demystify code and show that computer science is not rocket science—anybody can learn the basics," said Hadi Partovi, founder and CEO of Code.org. "Over 100 million students worldwide have tried an Hour of Code. The demand for relevant 21st-century computer science education crosses all borders and knows no boundaries."

Om Code.org

Code.org is a 501c3 public non-profit dedicated to expanding participation in computer science and increasing participation by young women and students from other underrepresented groups. Its vision is that every student in every school has the opportunity to learn computer programming. After launching in 2013, Code.org organized the Hour of Code campaign – which has introduced over 100 million students to computer science to date – and partnered with 70 public school districts nationwide to expand computer science programs. Code.org is supported by philanthropic donations from corporations, foundations and generous individuals, including Microsoft, Facebook, Infosys Foundation USA, Amazon, and others. For more information, please visit: code.org.

Find more resources and sample emails here.