Kod Saatı nədir?

The Hour of Code is a free introduction to computer science through fun activities and videos for learners of all skill levels. This year's celebration of both coding and AI is supported by over 400 partners, 20,000 educators, and 58,000 volunteers.


Hours of Code Served

180-dən çox ölkəni əhatə edən qlobal bir hərəkat.

107,571 events registered so far in 2023, ölkənizdə (Azerbaijan) 495 tədbir.

Şərti işarələr
Kod Saatı tədbiri
Xüsusi tədbir

Your class or group can join millions around the world doing the Hour of Code! Registration for the annual Computer Science Education Week celebration begins in October. Though, Hour of Code is available year-round.

Get notified when Hour of Code registration opens!

Be the first to know about this year's Hour of Code, including new activities and when registrations for Hour of Code events begin.

You can unsubscribe at any time.

Şagirdlər 40 dildə öyrənir
Kod Saatını 100 milyondan çox şagir sınaqdan keçirdi
Female students make up 50% of Hour of Code participants

Kod Saatı "Code.org" tərəfindən təşkil olunur.